Enerfín Energy Company of Canada (Enerfin) is developing the 90- megawatt (MW) Big Rock Solar Project (the Project) in your area. We are committed to engaging landowners, public stakeholders and members of the local community and we look forward to discussing the Project with you.

About Enerfín
It performs the integrated management of projects involving investment in renewable energy by using all its human, technical and financial skills and getting involved in all the stages, from development and construction to operation and energy sales management.
In Alberta, Enerfin is constructing the Winnifred Wind Project near Medicine Hat and is in development of two solar projects in the province.
Enerfin is currently managing the operation and construction of over 1,450 MW of wind and solar power in Spain, Canada, Brazil and Columbia. It performs the integrated management of projects involving investment in renewable energy by using all its human, technical and financial skills and getting involved in all the stages, from development and construction to operation and energy sales management.
In recent years, it has expanded its activity to include solar and battery energy storage developments. In Alberta, Enerfin is constructing the Winnifred Wind Project near Medicine Hat and is in development of two solar projects in the province.
Enerfín promotes, develops, constructs, and operates wind and solar energy projects globally. It is the renewable energy arm of the Elecnor Group, a global leader in the energy and infrastructure sector. Established in Spain 60 years ago, Elecnor has a long history of stable growth, which today sees the company active in 50 countries with over 18,000 employees.
Enerfin is currently managing the operation and construction of over 1,450 MW of wind and solar power in Spain, Canada, Brazil and Columbia. It performs the integrated management of projects involving investment in renewable energy by using all its human, technical and financial skills and getting involved in all the stages, from development and construction to operation and energy sales management.
In recent years, it has expanded its activity to include solar and battery energy storage developments. In Alberta, Enerfin is constructing the Winnifred Wind Project near Medicine Hat and is in development of two solar projects in the province.
Enerfin is currently managing the operation and construction of over 1,450 MW of wind and solar power in Spain, Canada, Brazil and Columbia. It performs the integrated management of projects involving investment in renewable energy by using all its human, technical and financial skills and getting involved in all the stages, from development and construction to operation and energy sales management.
In recent years, it has expanded its activity to include solar and battery energy storage developments. In Alberta, Enerfin is constructing the Winnifred Wind Project near Medicine Hat and is in development of two solar projects in the province.
Enerfín promotes, develops, constructs, and operates wind and solar energy projects globally. It is the renewable energy arm of the Elecnor Group, a global leader in the energy and infrastructure sector. Established in Spain 60 years ago, Elecnor has a long history of stable growth, which today sees the company active in 50 countries with over 18,000 employees.
Enerfin is currently managing the operation and construction of over 1,450 MW of wind and solar power in Spain, Canada, Brazil and Columbia. It performs the integrated management of projects involving investment in renewable energy by using all its human, technical and financial skills and getting involved in all the stages, from development and construction to operation and energy sales management.
In recent years, it has expanded its activity to include solar and battery energy storage developments. In Alberta, Enerfin is constructing the Winnifred Wind Project near Medicine Hat and is in development of two solar projects in the province.
Enerfin is currently managing the operation and construction of over 1,450 MW of wind and solar power in Spain, Canada, Brazil and Columbia. It performs the integrated management of projects involving investment in renewable energy by using all its human, technical and financial skills and getting involved in all the stages, from development and construction to operation and energy sales management.
In recent years, it has expanded its activity to include solar and battery energy storage developments. In Alberta, Enerfin is constructing the Winnifred Wind Project near Medicine Hat and is in development of two solar projects in the province.
90 MW
of solar capacity

40 MW
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

Project Details
solar photovoltaic (PV) modules

The proposed Project is located on approximately 430 acres of privately-owned agricultural land approximately 9.8km southwest of the Town of Okotoks, in Foothills County, as shown on the map to the right. The Project area has a strong solar resource, characteristic of Alberta, and will generate clean energy over its 35+ year lifetime.
The Project includes 90 MW of solar capacity with a 40 MW battery energy storage system (BESS). Based on preliminary site design, the Project will include installing approximately 201,600 solar photovoltaic (PV) modules on a fixed-tilt racking system, 25 inverter/transformer stations, an electrical collection system, internal access roads, a 40 MW BESS, and a Project substation.

Community Benefits
The Project will have many community benefits, including the following:
Local economic boost — Local businesses will experience increased activity due to the spin-offopportunities the Project will create during development, construction and operations.
Property taxes — The Project will pay annual property taxes to the County, resulting in financialbenefits to the community.
Clean electricity generation — The Project will generate emissions-free electricity to powerapproximately 24,000 homes in Alberta. This Project will offset approximately 22,150 tonnes ofgreenhouse gas emissions annually.
Local employment — During construction, the Project will create up to 200 full-time jobs, creatingopportunities for both local individuals and businesses. During operations a dedicated Alberta teamwill also be required to support the facility for approximately 40 years.

Project Studies &
Preliminary Schedule
Project Studies & Preliminary Schedule

A detailed Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) has been undertaken to ensurethe Project adheres to AUC Rule 012: Noise Control during both the constructionand operation phases. A copy of the NIA is available upon request, and will beincluded in the application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). The facilitywill not exceed the regulated limits set out by the AUC.

A glare assessment has been completed for the Project to assess potential for glare at aerodromes, nearby residences and along local roads. There are 10 dwellings within 800m and 6 local roads, both of which were assessed and the glare assessment determined that the Project is not likely to have the potential to create hazardous glare conditions for these roads or dwellings. A map showing the assessed roadways and residences is enclosed. Additionally, a copy of the glare assessment will be included in the application to the AUC.

Comprehensive environmental studies including wildlife studies, vegetation studies, wetlands delineation and habitat mapping have been completed for the Project and the results and potential mitigation were submitted to Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA). AEPA will issue a Renewable Energy Referral Report, which is expected in Q1 2024 with their risk rating. A report will be included in the application to the AUC.
Historical Resources Act approval has been applied forand approval is expected in Q1, 2024.
Historical Resources

Solar PV Modules:
Bifacial PV modules have been proposed for installation at the Project. A bifacial module is a double-sided module that transforms sunlight into electrical energy on both its top and bottom sides. They are different from mono-facial modules which only use one side for solar energy production. Bifacial modules are capable of producing more power per module and typically have higher efficiency than mono-facial modules, resulting in less land usage for the same or greater power output.
Local weather conditions in Alberta are well suited to bifacial technology as there is substantials now cover on the ground, which will boost production during the winter months. One of the benefits of using bifacial modules in Alberta is that sunlight is reflected from the surface of snow-covered land, which can generate electricity from the underside of the panel.
Ground Mounting Systems: Enerfin intends to install the modules on a fixed-tilt system which is stationary and does not move with the sun.
Inverter/Transformer Stations: Inverters are electrical devices that convert direct current (dc) to alternating current (ac). Transformers are electrical equipment that increase or decrease the voltage of the electricity within the solar PV facility. The Project will use inverters and transformers to convert the dc electricity from the solar PV module to ac electricity. The electricity will be collected to the power substation through 34.5 kV underground lines.
Other Infrastructure:
The inverter/transformer stations in the Project will be connected through 34.5-kilovolt (kV) underground collector lines that connect to the Project substation. In order to transportmaterials during the construction stage and to access the Project equipment for regular maintenanceduring operations, the Project will require the construction of new internal access roads.
Project Substation:
The 34.5 kV underground collector lines will connect to the power substation where power transformers and control systems will step up the voltage to 138 kV for connection to the Alberta interconnected electric system.
Interconnection: Enerfín proposes connecting the Project to the AIES through an existing 138 kV transmission line that runs along the north side of the Project area. The interconnection is subject to a separate public consultation and regulatory permitting process. Potentially impacted stakeholders will be contacte d at a later date to discuss the interconnection of the Project.
Battery Energy Storage System: The Project will include a 40 MW lithium-ion Battery Energy StorageSystem (BESS) located adjacent to the Project substation. The collocated battery storage configuration will store energy and enable increased integration of renewables with the electric grid. Please refer to the BESS Frequently Asked Questions page and enclosed BESS layouts for additional details.

Next Steps
Enerfin is committed to meaningful engagement with all stakeholders in the Project. We will be contacting nearby landowners, occupants and residents to gather feedback and hosting a community open house in early 2024. We intend to file a power plant application with the AUC in February 2024 and we will incorporate a summary of stakeholder comments into the application. We encourage stakeholders to participate throughout this process and to contact us if you have any questions or concerns and we will incorporate a summary of stakeholder comments into the application.